Public Relations

Every brand, every event, every launch has a story. We help…

Digital Marketing

Most conversations about brands happen online in messages that…

Community Relations

Despite communicating via a variety of media outlets, digital marketing platforms…

Language/ Cultural Translation

A piece of marketing material or website content…

Search Engine Optimization

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of improving the quality and quantity of traffic to a website from…

Marketing strategy
Business consulting

We provide marketing and business consultancy services for companies quantity of traffic to a website from…

Paid media / Media planning

The success of an advertising campaign hinges on great creative and a smart media plan…

Contact us

We don’t take on every potential client. We make sure that our team is the right fit. If we are not, we will let you know before taking your business. We believe in only taking our clients’ money if we can bring value. We can work independently or as part of a collaborative team or with other agencies.

Lezama Consulting USA LLC is based in Los Angeles County, California.

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